Stoneware is a widely used material for tableware. Given the manual work involved in our production process, small differences in colour and irregularities often appear in the glaze. In our opinion, these imperfections contribute to the unique appearance of the stoneware. Every pot is different.

Our stoneware can be cleaned in the dishwasher. We recommend the use of regular washing tablets (and not 3-in-1 tablets) and a temperature of up to 65°C. Anti-scale salts (such as regeneration salt) and excessive temperatures damage the glaze. Do not place the tableware too close to each other in the dishwasher to avoid minor vibration and collision damage that often leads to the beginning of larger breakage. We also recommend that stoneware and metal (such as pans and cutlery) be kept separate in the machine. Indeed, dark scratches may appear on the stoneware after contact with metal. 

For the maintenance of decorative objects made from stoneware, we recommend that you dust them with a damp cloth. 

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